14th March. Late report on Derbyshire Trophy v North Essex. Norfolk complete season with a win. Details on News Page.
23rd February. Norfolk involved in another tight game in the Derbyshire Trophy v Northants A. Details on News page.
11th February. Results of County Championship Indoor finals on News page. Photos of winners on Indoor Competition page.
Upcoming Events.
Sun 2nd. Derbyshire v North Cambs. March Town IBC. 10.00am.
Sun 9th. County Comps. Finals. Gallow IBC. 10.00am.
Sun 16th. Derbyshire v Northants A. Gallow IBC. 10.00am.
Sun 2nd. Derbyshire v North Essex. Gallow IBC. 10.00am.
Sun 9th. Officers & Finance Meeting. Gt Plumstead.BC. 10.00am
Sun 16th March. Executive Meeting R G Carter BC. 10.00am.
Sun 6th. Vertu Honda Patrons Cup. Boston or Lincoln IBC. 10.00am
Sun 13th. Eversley Trophy. Lincoln IBC.. 10.00am.
Tues 22nd to 27th. National Indoor Finals. Lincoln IBC
SAT 10TH Newton Trials R G Carters BC 14.00
SAT 17th Newton Adams Gt Plumstead BC 14.00
SUN 18th Reg Wright Trials Gt Plumstead BC 14.00
SAT 24th Adams North Essex Radwinter BC 14.00
SAT 31st NCBA NCWBA Gt Plumstead BC 14.00
SAT 7th Adams Hunts Sawtrey BC 14.00
SAT 7th Newton Hunts Ramsey BC 14.00
SUN 8th Reg Wright Suffolk A Leiston BC 14.00
SAT 14th Adams Northants Gt Plumstead BC 14.00
SAT 14th Newton Northants R G Carters BC 14.00
SUN 15th Reg Wright Hunts Gt Plumstead BC 14.00
SAT 21st Adams Suffolk Bramford BC 14.00
SAT 21st Newton Suffolk Sproughton BC 14.00
SUN 22nd Reg Wright Suffolk B Gt Plumstead BC 14.00
SAT 28th Adams Lincolnshire Gt Plumstead BC 14.00
SAT 28th Newton Lincolnshire R G Carters BC 14.00
SUN 29th Presidents Fund Raising Match Smallburgh & Dilham BC 13.00
SAT 5th Adams North Cambs March Town BC 14.00
SUN 6th Area Finals North Cawston BC 9.30
SUN 6th Area Finals South Long Stratton BC 9.30
SUN 6th Area Finals East Caister BC 9.30
SUN 6th Area Finals West Marham BC 9.30
THUR 10th Subsiduary Cup Semi-
FRI 11th County Comps Semi-
SUN 13th County Comps Semi-
THUR 17th County Cup Semi-
FRI 18th County Comps Finals 2 Rinks Acle BC 19.00
SUN 20th County Comps Finals Acle BC 9.30
THUR 24th Subsiduary Cup Final T.B.A 18.30
SUN 27th Burton Cup Allday Holt BC 10.00
THUR 31st County Cup Final T.B.A 18.30
SAT 2nd Presidents Day Gissing BC 13.30
SUN 3rd Durham Cup Semi-
SUN 3rd Durham Cup Semi-
SAT 9th County League Semi-
SAT 9th County League Final T.B.A 13.15
WED 13th Executive Match Long Stratton Long Stratton BC 18.15
SAT 16th -
WED 27th Officers Meeting Gt Plumstead BC 19.00
THUR 4th Executive Match EBA Gt Plumstead BC 18.30
SAT 6th Durham Cup Final T.B.A 14.30
WED 10th Executive Meeting R G Carters BC 19.00
SUN 21st Area Meeting North Smallburgh & Dilham BC 10.30
FRI 31st County Dinner Wensum Valley 18.30
SUN 2nd N.C.B.A AGM R G Carters BC 10.00
SAT 15th EBF/EWBF AGM T.B.C 10.3